Blue Deals

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Blue: The Business Networking and DallasBlue offer Blue Deals to enable companies to reach the large Blue audiences.   Blue Deals are a win for everyone.  Buyers enjoy great services with deep 50-90% discounts, similar to Groupon.  Merchants get free advertising and low cost marketing to a business and professional audience. 



You, the deal merchant, pay no money up front (unless you need custom help to create your deal ad and media). Deal sales are split 50-50 between you and the Deal service providers, which encompass the deal platform, DallasBlue, and any sales agents.




Do Deals always work?

Of course not.  Advertisers misuse and waste money on deals, just like they do with advertising, home mailers, and online.


Deals aren't a magic marketing solution.  You should know your customer acquisition cost, which includes advertising, sales, and marketing expenses.  Typical businesses pay $100 - $1,000 just to get one customer.



You should USE deals if:



You should LIMIT deals if they might strain your operations or finances.  You can restrict deals various ways:



You should AVOID deals if:




Creating Deals



Generally the minimum discount is 50%. Here are a few tips.


Custom Marketing

We are marketing experts.  If you want the most bang for your buck, let Blue create a customer marketing programs that be promoted over Blue and run with your Blue Deals.


Current Deals


Past Deals


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